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While personality tests can be used to measure many different traits and characteristics, the most widely used personality test framework is the "Big Five" model or the "Five Factor Model." These are the five dimensions that have consistently emerged in empirical research as personality traits: Agreeableness. Conscientiousness. Extroversion. Openness (to experience). Stress tolerance. The concept of personality "traits", which is widely accepted, has replaced an older paradigm of personality types that was based on Carl Jung's view of personality. It used to categorize people into one of two types (thinker or feeler, introvert or extrovert or thinker or feeler), Type A or Type 2. The growing evidence that two distinct personality types are not sufficient to describe the unique characteristics of human personality is making the traits model more popular in personality research is supporting its acceptance.

Figure 2: The traits model has gained credibility in personality research due to growing evidence that a dichotomy of two types of personality does not adequately capture the nuances of human personalities.

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Personality tests aim to answer the question: Does the candidate feel comfortable in this job? Do they have the right behavioral characteristics to succeed in this role? Personality tests have no right or wrong answers, unlike aptitude tests. These tests assess the degree to which individuals have certain permanent behavioral traits. Employers can use this information to determine whether a candidate is a good fit for the position and company culture.

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Because there is evidence that these traits correlate with job performance across a range of positions, the Big Five traits are especially relevant for hiring. Conscientiousness measures how organized, reliable, persistent, and trustworthy an individual is. While it can be used to predict success for many job types, particularly entry-level jobs where the value of reliability and punctuality might be greater than creativity, Conscientiousness has been moderately predictive.

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While personality tests are becoming more popular among HR professionals there are still many misconceptions about how and what they should be used.

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Figure 1: In predicting job performance aptitude tests are twice the predictive power of job interviews, three-times as predictive of job experience, four-times as predictive of education level, and three times as accurate as job interview results.

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While personality tests can be used to measure many traits in people, the most widely used personality test framework is the "Big Five" model or the "Five Factor Model". These five dimensions of personality have been consistently identified in empirical research as Agreeableness. The concept of personality traits has become quite popular. It is replacing an older paradigm of personality types that originated with Carl Jung. It relied on a view that classified people into two distinct types. For example, introverts and extroverts, thinkers and feelers, Type A or B. Because there is growing evidence to suggest that it does not accurately describe the unique characteristics of human personality, the traits model is being accepted in personality research.